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British Science Week 2020.

For #BritishScienceWeek 2020 we invited local school children into our London office for a workshop to learn basic engineering techniques and principles using LEGO bricks.

Led by AKTEducate, made up of staff volunteering their time, the workshop aimed to inspire school children into pursuing STEM careers through fun and practical work using LEGO.

The day began with an introduction to AKT II and basic fundamentals of town planning, from Tyréns UK. Students were asked to split into groups and pick where they believed it was best to place their structures on a map of East London. The students were asked to create a wide array of buildings, residential, cultural and a hospital to name a few, and were asked to consider the placement of their LEGO structures on the map.

After a short introduction to architecture and engineering principles, the students began to build their structures out of LEGO, with worksheets to guide them and help them rationalise their designs. They had to consider the size of the building for its function, how it would stand, what types of materials it would use and if those materials sustainable etc.

Once they had finished, they positioned their creations on the map and reviewed the designs and placements, then put them up on our LEGO wall.

Organised by the British Science Association, British Science Week is a 10-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).

AKTEducate is part of our practice’s ongoing involvement to inspire the next generation into STEM careers, providing workshops and educational activities.