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‘Crinkle-Crankle Concrete’.

Carbon-neutral concrete.

This installation playfully uses a traditional ‘crinkle-crankle’ wall design to showcase a cutting-edge cement-replacement technology – Seratech – allowing carbon-neutral concrete.

The material has been developed by Seratech’s researchers at Imperial College London. Seratech is a bespoke cement mix that incorporates a proportion of low-carbon material. The material is made though a unique chemical process that allow a carbon capture that is both efficient and low cost. The aim is for humanity to be able to continue building robust cities and infrastructure, but without the climate cost of traditional cement mixes.


The installation is constructed from uniform Seratech blocks that are orientated around conduit points and then restrained using recycled formwork. The curving form removes the need for any permanent connective elements, which allows the structure to be fully demountable, and ready for the circular economy.

It’s been delivered for London Design Festival 2022 with support from the contractor Byrne Bros.

The ‘Crinkle-Crankle Concrete’ structure also details the story of Seratech’s development; each block reveals a unique stage in the material’s refinement. The installation can also be expanded for future exhibitions, as the material’s research continues.


Find out more about the event in Dezeen's London Guide.